Business And Commercial Law
Experienced, Aggressive Representation When Your Business Is On The Line
Whether your business is suing or being sued, you need aggressive and experienced representation that gets results. The attorneys of Alves Radcliffe have a proven track record of successfully litigating complex business disputes all over California.
Alves Radcliffe’s diverse background enables the firm to handle a wide variety of matters on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants involving the following types of claims:

- Breach of Contract;
- Breach of Covenant of Good Faith And Fair Dealing
- Breach of Fiduciary Duty;
- Negligence;
- Fraud:
- Negligent and Intentional Misrepresentations;
- Conversion:
- Disputes among partners, members of Limited Lability Companies, or
- shareholders of Corporations;
- Trade Secret Litigation
- Unfair Business Competition
- Trademark Infringement;
- Economic Interference Claims such as Negligent and Intentional
- Interference with Contractual Relations or Business Advantage;
Contract Disputes
Types of Contracts
A contract is an agreement to do or not do a certain thing. (Civil Code Section 1549) Contracts can be written, oral, or implied based on the parties course of conduct. The fact that a written agreement was not entered into does not mean that you cannot prove you had a contract with someone.
Was A Contract Formed?
In order to prove a contract was formed, the essential elements are that the terms of the agreement were clear enough that the parties could understand what each was required to do; that the parties agreed to give each other something of value in exchange; and that the parties agreed to the terms of the contract.
Was The Contract Breached?
In order to recover damages for breach of contract, a party must prove four things: (1) the existence of an agreement; (2) the plaintiff’s performance or excuse for non-performance; (3) the defendant breached a term of the agreement; and (4) the plaintiff suffered damages.
Whether you need to bring a lawsuit or defend yourself, the attorneys at Alves Radcliffe have the necessary experience to navigate your case with confidence while keeping you informed throughout your matter.
Call to Have Your Case Evaluated
Call us to set up a consultation at 916-596-1642. You can also email us to tell us about your case. We can discuss the elements of your case and help determine if you have an action for legal malpractice. We will do our best to see that justice is served in your case.
Our Location
Gold River Office
2377 Gold Meadow Way Suite 100
Gold River, CA 95670
Walnut Creek Office
1212 Broadway Plaza, Suite 2100
Walnut Creek, CA 945696